Sunday, September 9, 2012

Seven - In the Air

"So when is your last day?" Tom asked Will, sitting in a chair across Will's desk.

"I've still got another month." Will replied.

Tom grunted and looked out Will's windown. He would miss these conversations. He vowed to himself to not let distance get in the way of his friendship with Will.

"How's that lawyer from Oversight?" Will asked.

"Ok, I guess," Tom responded, "we haven't had a chance to actually go out yet. We've talked a few times on the phone and grabbed a quick lunch one day, but things have been busy. You know."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Episode Six was supposed to publish over the weekend. I started a draft, quit, started again and never could get into it. The thing is: I just don't really like the plot that was planned for the episode. I tried to force it, but the more I tried, the more I disliked it. So, I'm going to skip the episode and move on to episode Seven. There are elements of the overall storyline that I'll have to incorporate into later chapters, but I don't think the story will miss the plot that was scheduled for episode Six.

Next weekend we'll return with Tom struggling with his competition with Stacy, Will preparing to leave the Agency and settle down and Doug being Doug. Thanks for reading.